Game under maintenance: The Coffee Machine new backend!
Posted by Luan Himmlisch
1 minute, 15 seconds
As I write this, it has been some hours since our game The Coffee Machine has been under maintenance, why? you may ask...
First, for those who don't know, The Coffee Machine is a videogame about the SCP-294 a paranormal coffee machine dispenser that can serve any drink you type. Of course this is based on the stories of the SCP Foundation, a creepypasta-like forum. Thanks to which it has been my most played videogame over
The reason of the maintenance is because of some changes over the backend and whole functionality of the videogame.
How it worked
at the start the game took information from a publicly available repository over the internet (I thank to everyone who knew but didn't tell the secret), and then it cached it all on your system. Everytime you requested a drink, it checked if that drink name existed on the cached list.
Changes made
Now it's using a "professional" backend API made using Laravel. The videogame only requests the drink asked and nothing more, it doesn't save all the drinks, boosting performance and avoiding curious players to know every single drink available.
New site!
Currently the new site is under development, but once finished you will be able to submit your own drinks and check the latest drinks discovered! I'll announce it here, so don't forget to check once in a while for extra information on your favorite games, tutorials, devlogs and game announcements! You can also subscribe to our RSS Newsletter.
Published: 2021-10-12 19:55
Modified: 2025-02-13 05:45